Author: michael

Global markets experienced a steep fall on Monday as a key measure of what CNBC called “expected volatility” within the stock market shot up to its highest level in more than four years, when the coronavirus pandemic delivered its first punch to the world.The Cboe Volatility Index, also known as the VIX, hit above 65 for a brief period of time on Monday, which is an increase of 23 which is where it was last Friday and around 17 a week ago. After noon rolled around it dropped to 32. Better than 65, but not great by any stretch of…

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The Biden administration had another huge economic miss with unemployment during the month of July as it rises to 4.3 percent and just 114,000 new jobs created. This far lower than the expected 175,000 jobs that were forecast and the unemployment projection of 4.1 percent. If you thought things were on the up and up, think again. Unless we have a massive shift in policy and a whole lot of time to keep those principles in play, we aren’t going to see a lot of improvement. Ultimately, this will lead to an increase in the cost of living, further exacerbating…

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The S&P 500 just had it’s worst July in a decade, which could be a strong indication our country is barreling toward a recession. The Motley Fool’s Trevor Jennewine says that, historically speaking, July has been one of the strongest months for the stock market in the United States, but that’s not the case this year. The S&P 500 hasn’t a July as bad as this one since 2014. It’s an ominous sign that as bad as things seem to be right now, they’re going to get worse before they get better. Jennewine reported, “The S&P 500 (^GSPC -2.35%)…

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The price of gold has had a rather eventful week that has been deeply impacted by economic data, events on the world stage, and policy decisions made by the current administration. With the risk of a third global conflict rising due to the assassination of a Hamas leader in Iran by Israel, there was some safe haven purchasing of the precious metal. Wars and the threat of conflict, especially between two nations as important to the Middle East as Israel and Iran, always play a huge role in gold prices. A report published by ZeroHedge says: The Bank of England’s…

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Well, folks it looks like we are now approaching a full-on global conflict at lightspeed as Iran is now expected to launch a direct attack on Israel. The assault will come as a response to Israel assassinating Ismail Haniyeh, leader of Hamas, while in Tehran, on Wednesday morning. This information comes to us from a New York Times report that cited three credible sources. If you believe in the power of prayer, now might be a good time to call on God. He’s our only hope of avoiding World War III, if it even can be at this point. The…

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A total of 89 people died and dozens of others are feared to be trapped in the state of Kerala, which is located in India, after heavy rainfall led to huge landslides all over the state. A report from the Daily Caller stated that a series of landslides began in the early hours of Tuesday morning in the southern region after an extensive period of heavy rainfall came down in the hilly area. Already a total of 250 people have been rescued thus far after the disaster struck. Many of them have been transported to either either rescue camps and…

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An analysis was published on Friday that revealed there’s a terrifying and very deadly threat that exists right out in the open that could potentially result in the silent snuffing out of countless human lives, and it’s one that writer Kay Smythe of The Daily Caller has been trying to warn folks about for a long, long time now. Almost a decade to be exact. Smythe revealed in her latest piece she first broached the topic during a presentation while she was attending university. In the article she mentions that one of the most dangerous regions in the world is…

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In news that will shock absolutely no one, not a single, solitary soul, just hours before the opening ceremony for the Paris Olympics were scheduled to begin, the train service in France was the target of several “malicious acts” which led to disruptions to high-speed lines. Now, I don’t mean to point fingers without having all of the facts, but I have a strong suspicion that, given these were arson attacks, immigrants from Muslim-majority nations might have played a role in the chaos. Just another reminder of why a nation needs to have protected borders and a stringent immigration system.…

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You know things are getting strange when it has become “regular” or “normal” for the U.S. military to intercept Russian bombers near the state of Alaska. That is something that should be alarming each and every time it happens. Nobody should be getting used to this and thinking it’s routine. Clearly it’s a sign of aggression, an attempt at intimidation. If that doesn’t scare you — and it should — how about the presence of both Chinese and Russian military aircraft, together, buzzing our airspace? This led to the North American Aerospace Defense Command  intercepting two bombers from each country…

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This summer is really not a great season for those who are interested in purchasing their own homes. Just last month — June — existing home sales took a plunge into the abyss, which is a good indicator our economy is now swirling around at the bottom of the toilet bowl and could be about to get flushed down the drain. Well, that slowdown was confirmed by a sizable drop in the sale of brand new homes, as they went down by 0.6 percent MoM, which is below the 3.4 percent MoM that was initially expected. According to ZeroHedge, it…

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I know you probably don’t need more data to prove that we’re in deep trouble economically speaking, but it’s critical to share right information so folks can understand just how far down the wrong path we are at this point. It will help individuals to make better decisions when they head to the ballot box in November to choose our next commander-in-chief. A new report from ZeroHedge has revealed that there are now five out of twelve Federal reserve districts that are showing either flat or declining economic growth. Seven of the districts reported that there is at least some…

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Mark Spitznagel of Universa, who has lined his pockets with billions of dollars from past crashes, predicts there will be one final hurrah for stocks before they take a plunge. Spitznagel’s expertise is highly respected amongst investors, so when he says stuff like this, the big boys pay attention. So why do these folks listen to Spitznagel? Well, for starters, he pulled in a billion dollars in one day, along with a number of other huge scores since getting into tail risk hedge fund Universa Investments in 2008. The second reason people’s ears perk up when he speaks is that…

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The BRICS alliance has revealed how it plans to destroy, no, more like obliterate the U.S. dollar so that is no longer used as the world’s reserve currency and it’s absolutely diabolical. BRICS is planning to weaponize oil and gas by bringing in big time oil producing nations such as Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates as part of the organization. They’ve also extended an invitation to the biggest oil producer in the world, Saudi Arabia. As of now, the country has not accepted as it continues to think through the various pros and cons of joining the…

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As if the world isn’t currently facing enough problems, what with the economy floating around at the bottom of the toilet bowl, we’re now in the throes of a massive outage that could cause some major problems with banks all over the globe. Of course, the immediate question that pops into mind when reading anything about tech issues on such a large scale is whether or not we’re under a cyberattack. As of now, the answer to that question is no. A report published by CNBC said that financial services and doctors’ offices experienced severe disruptions on Friday, while there…

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Folks living in a small town in the southern part of Illinois were informed on Tuesday morning they needed to evacuate their homes immediately due to an imminent dam failure, local emergency responders said. Man, that’s a heck of a bad way to wake up in the morning, right? Good morning, sir, I hope all is well. I regret to inform you that there’s a high probability that a dam is about to fail which will likely render you homeless within the next few hours. Have a blessed day. Oof. Here are more details on this nightmare scenario from USA…

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Seems like every single piece of economic data that comes out right now contains numbers that show we are most definitely headed down the wrong direction, especially as what is turning out to be the most unpredictable presidential election in recent memory, continues to barrel toward us. Americans are suffering financially in multiple areas at once, to the point that those who were upper-middle class are now barely making ends meet. Just take a trip to the local grocery store and purchase the same items you usually do from week-to-week and you’ll see what I mean. Chances are, the price…

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Have you noticed that the Chinese military has become incredibly aggressive in recent times? This shift has been sudden and rather unexpected. What’s up with that? Is there a possibility China can smell blood in the water when it comes to the current administration? Perhaps they can sense how weak President Joe Biden is, you know, seeing as he’s publicly displayed obvious signs of cognitive decline? Most recently, we’ve witnessed Chinese troops hold military exercises in Belarus, dozens of aircraft from the communist country have made serious threats against Taiwan, and four vessels from the nation have been found off…

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The most important issue for American voters this election cycle is, without a doubt, inflation. And for good reason. Each time we head out to the grocery store, the usual items we purchase seem to go up in price. I, personally, have seen an increase of $200 per week. That’s a lot of money on groceries per month. With that much coming out for food and necessities, it gets harder and harder to pay other important bills. Financial strain is doing a number on Democrats in political office, despite recent findings that inflation might be cooling off a little. Of…

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A recent article written by Sean Williams and published by The Motley Fool, pointed out that the money supply just did something that it hasn’t done since the long bygone days of the Great Depression, which is drop two percent from its all-time high. This only happened five times in the last 154 years. The first four times it occurred all did so alongside economic depressions and double-digit unemployment rates. So does that mean we’re on the verge of another depression? Well, I mean, the signs certainly aren’t good. Just look at the astronomical rate of inflation and how expensive…

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While crime has always existed in the streets of America, up until recent times, local law enforcement and even those at the federal level, have been able to keep law and order, preventing the depravity inherent in humanity from being consumed by the flames of chaos that churn and burn deep within our fallen spirits. That, unfortunately, does not seem to be the case anymore. The foundation of society has been eroded away and it’s only a matter of time before it all comes crashing down. Just look at recent news reports. We’re seeing massive numbers of thefts, mayhem in…

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