Author: michael

With the government becoming more and more corrupt as the days pass by and chaos is overtaking our culture — what else do you call it when people are legitimately trying to force you to accept that a man can magically become a woman? — increasing numbers of individuals have decided to opt out of the current system and live off the grid. And while there’s something awesome about being completely and totally self-sufficient and away from the nonsense of the world, technological advances have made that extremely difficult to pull off. Anyone who has been paying attention lately has…

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There are a lot of scary things happening in the country right now, but one really spooky one happened recently when a Russian submarine and a Russian frigate, both of which are capable of launching nuclear missiles that could wipe out entire U.S. cities, were seen traveling just 25 miles off the coast of Florida. No, I’m not playing a joke, ladies and gentlemen. This is for real. And whatever message Russia was trying to send to the United States, most of us did not get it. Russians were clearly warning our country that they are totally willing to use…

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There’s a theory that has been passed around for quite some time that one day in the future, the West Coast of the United States will fall victim to a massive wall of water in a tsunami to end all tsunamis. The phenomenon in question will be caused by a huge earthquake in the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Our nation would experience a disaster on a scale that has been unheard of in America’s history. And this is not some wild conspiracy nonsense either. Scientists, folks who study real, testable data, have been warning us for a long, long while that…

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May brought even more bad economic news — if you can believe that’s possible — as foreclosures on homes spiked once again, leaving Americans to wrestle with the current crisis our nation is facing when it comes to the ever-rising cost-of-living. The policies of our geriatric commander-in-chief are causing the middle class to be erased from existence, while expanding poverty at a rather alarming rate. And yet, for some reason, there are still people that have enough brain function to continue automatically breathing, who are considering casting a ballot for Joe Biden in November. It’s unbelievable. A piece that was…

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More economic woes are washing over the United States, as retailers across the country have announced the closures of almost 2,600 stores just this year. And we’re only about four months into the fiscal year, so yeah, that’s pretty bad and does not bode well for economic improvement as times continues to move forward. And these aren’t just little stores in your local community, either. Some of these are huge names in the retail industry. We’re talking Macy’s, Walmart, Foot Locker, 7-Eleven, and even Walgreens have all revealed they are closing up a number of stores. And they haven’t taken…

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Radical Democrats have been desperately attempting to gaslight the American people concerning the status of the economy, telling us over and over that things are just peachy keen, despite the fact we’re spending crazy amounts of money for basic goods and services. Liberals are doing everything they can to get us to gaze off into another direction and ignore the awful conditions we’re experiencing every day. But when you refuse to go along with the program and actually examine the facts, things look pretty bad. You can’t ignore the numbers. They won’t allow it. No, they will shove the truth…

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Over the course of the last decade, we’ve constantly been told we’re living in “unprecedented times” and you know what? That’s true. We’ve witnessed a ton of unusual events that have happened all over the globe that have had a massive impact on our society as a whole. I am, of course, referring mostly to the coronavirus pandemic and the downward spiral of our current economy. If there’s one lesson we’ve learned from all of this, it’s the value of being prepared for emergency disasters and similar situations. A critical component of preparation is making sure to stockpile food to…

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When you start talking to folks about gold, it, for whatever reason, conjures up one of two images: Pirates. Crazy doomsday preppers. I don’t know why that is, considering that people have been snapping up gold like Hungry, Hungry Hippos eating those little marble things for nigh unto the beginning of time, but alas, popular culture’s portrayal of those who are big into these kind of investments has not been kind. And why would they be? Leftists run all of Hollywood, right? Well, according to Gainsville Coins, gold investing started to become a legitimate thing for central banks to buy…

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With all of the havoc being brought down on our economy thanks to the horrific policies of the Biden administration, individuals across the country who are over the age of 50 are having a hard time believing the American Dream is still a thing. In all honesty, when you take into consideration how high inflation is, how difficult it has become to buy basic necessities to live, and the fact many more people than ever before are living week-to-week, plus the cost of housing, I’d say the American Dream has gone extinct. And when you see how many individuals who…

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According to a piece that was recently written by Juan Sanchez and Masataka Mori for the Federal Reserve Bank located in St. Louis, an article that was published in the “Regional Economist” in August 2023, went on to describe an increase in credit card delinquencies. The authors reveal that this trend has continued through this year as well. Mori and Sanchez base their conclusion on an in-depth analysis of quarterly data that was taken from the Federal Reserve Bank in New York’s Consumer Credit Panel. If you’re new to the whole topic, a person’s credit card account is considered to…

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Banks located within the United States are reporting a very concerning increase in unrealized losses, along with an ever-growing list of institutions at risk of failure during the first quarter of 2024, according to reports coming from the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, also known as FDIC. The data from the FDIC shines a spotlight on a whopping $517 billion in unrealized losses and has officially identified a total of 6 banks that are now vulnerable. As if we needed more bad economic news, right? The folks over at Bitcoin.ComNews pointed out that both the U.S. Federal Reserve and the…

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Every single time I think things cannot get worse for the United States economy, along comes a new piece of news that demonstrates that as bad as things are for us right now, they can, and probably will, get much worse. And you thought we peaked with insane grocery prices, right? I wish. According to Watcher, a total of 97 countries have stated they will be attending the BRICS 2024 Games this June, which is set to be held in Russia and will feature Russian President Vladimir Putin as host. The games will be put on in the Kazan region…

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I can’t believe just how far the mighty U.S. dollar has fallen around the globe in recent times. This is getting down right horrific. BRICS seems bound and determine to make a significant contribution to the economic downfall of the United States, and to be honest, they are doing a d*** fine job at the moment, as two more countries have opted to toss out the dollar and go with local currencies. At first it was India and Russia. Now Thailand and Venezuela have decided to join the party. This bad, folks. Like next level super bad. According to Watcher:…

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Remember when the housing bubble burst back in 2008? I bet you’re thinking there’s no way we could ever be stupid enough to create those conditions again and cause a similar problem to happen a second time, right? Well, unfortunately, you have way too much faith in the human condition, because guess what? We’re making the same mistakes all over again. And it all starts with zero money down mortgages for first time home buyers. A new report from Zero Hedge says: Home buyers will be able to buy a home without putting any money down under a new program…

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Bidenomics has struck once again. It seems that jacking up the prices of basic food stuffs and other goods and services that we need for day-to-day life just wasn’t enough for the current administration and its mission to obliterate the middle class. They just had to go and ensure that the cost of buying a home went up astronomically too. It skyrocketed so high it actually broke a record. Way to go, Mr. President. Good work. Way to fight for the little guy. According to a new report by Breitbart: The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller 20-city index climbed 7.4 percent year-over-year…

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I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it looks like India and Russia, two big members of BRICS, have decided to ditch the U.S. dollar in favor of payments worth $4 billion in their local currencies. This is going to deal a sizable blow to our economy, which, I’m sure you’ve noticed, is bleeding profusely under the failed leadership of President Joe Biden. If you’ve been oblivious to just how bad things are around these parts, take a short jaunt to the supermarket. You’ll get the picture. According to Watcher, Russian exporters have bought Indian made arms…

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There’s no doubt in my mind that one of the biggest threats to our national security, to our way of life, and to global peace as a whole, is Russia, and by extension, it’s leader, President Vladimir Putin. Now, before anyone gets their panties in a tangle, that doesn’t mean I favor our nation’s intervention into the war between Russia and Ukraine. I just mean we need to do a much better job of keeping an eye on Putin and ensuring he doesn’t get a wild burr up his backside that turns into an itchy finger that can’t resist pressing…

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For many, many years now, members of the scientific community have been warning that the state of California, which lies atop some pretty serious fault lines, has been overdue for a massive earthquake, which we horrifyingly refer to as “the Big One,” which could strike the area at any time. It’s a wonder anyone ever gets a chance to rest peacefully at night knowing this could happen. I’d be a nervous wreck all the time. It’s no wonder so many people pop Xanax in the land of fruits and nuts. The stress of living there must be through the roof.…

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Chief Executive of JPMorgan Chase, Jamie Dimon, is one of the most influential individuals in the real of finance and banking, thus when he has something to say on the state of the economy, lots of folks tune in. I mean, he is heading up the world’s largest U.S. bank and fifth-biggest bank overall. He has $41. trillion in assets. He’s famous for being able to wisely lead banks through some pretty difficult times and being able to recognize big opportunities when they pop up. Therefore, it’s wise to pay attention when he speaks. Here are more details from The…

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As nation members of BRICS continue to run hard and fast away from the once mighty U.S. dollar, big time investor Robert Kiyosaki has issued a prediction saying the United States economy is on its way to experiencing hyperinflation and could end up taking a deep plunge into another depression. Oof. I could have totally done without that today, how about you? According to the folks at The Gateway Pundit: As the BRICS nations move away from the U.S. dollar, renowned investor Robert Kiyosaki predicts that the United States will experience hyperinflation and plunge into a depression. He suggests that…

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