Author: michael

The Central Intelligence Agency has issued a stern warning to the nation of Israel saying that Iran will likely be attacking their country sometime within the next 48 hours, according to a report from The Express. It’s being reported that Israel wiped out two commanders within the Iranian military after carrying out a strike on Tehrain’s consulate located in Damascus, the capital of Syria this week. Things in the Middle East really beginning to pop and not in a good way. Conflicts that continue to escalate like this are almost guaranteed, at some point, to drag us into them. I…

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The Niagara Falls area of Canada has declared a state of emergency just ahead of the April 8 solar eclipse. No, it’s not because they are expecting some sort of cosmic disaster to unfold — although you never know, right? — but due to the hundreds of thousands of tourists that are expected to pay a visit to the area to witness the once-in-a-lifetime event. And that, in and of itself, can lead to widespread chaos if anything weird does goes down, so declaring a state of emergency does not seem like a bad idea. Check out more details from…

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A former top general in the United States issued a warning on Sunday that radical Islamic terrorist organization, ISIS, is once again gaining strength. And here’s the problem with all of these groups. Unless you begin to dismantle their ideology and start fighting against the wickedness it promotes in the realm of philosophy and belief, they will continue to come back. We have to face the facts that, like it or not, ISIS and other terrorist organizations have waged a holy war against the rest of the world. Simply killing all the bad guys will not suffice because the ideas…

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I can’t remember the last time there was this much hype about the happenings in a single month, and given I work in the media industry, that’s saying something. It’s been a long, long time since folks have been buzzing about so many events all happening at close to the same time, and I don’t think it’s just because of the Great American Eclipse taking place on April 8. There have been a whole lot of people speculating that something huge is about to go down this month. It’s an electricity in the air and we’re all just holding our…

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As the general election season starts to kick into high gear, there’s a massive new threat emerging in the United States that everyone should be aware of: cyber attacks on the power grid. This is honestly the stuff of nightmares. A successful attack on the power grid could not only have a negative impact on the election itself, but on the spread of information. Chaos will undoubtedly ensue, especially if folks lose power for extended periods of time. Traffic lights go out. And I think we’re all aware of the dimwits that are out on the road driving who suddenly…

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The horrific collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, Maryland early on Tuesday morning will reportedly lead to widespread disruption to trade, however, Americans experts have revealed that Americans are prepared to avoid another supply chain debacle like that which took place during the coronavirus pandemic. Still, at a time when our economy is already swirling around the bottom of the toilet bowl, this disruption could not possibly happen at a worse time. Watch for prices on specific goods to increase due to lack of supply here real soon. With so many people thinking that the boat crash…

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We’re living in a really dangerous time in human history, especially here in the United States. Once, long, long ago, people could leave their doors and windows unlocked most of the night. That seems like a cliche, but it really was that way for a short time. The reason for this level of societal peace and cooperation was shared values and beliefs. The nation was majority Christian at that time and most folks held to the same ideology, with some differences here and there. Progressives have destroyed the common ground we once held and has sowed deep division in our…

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If you thought the economy is in terrible shape right now, baby, let me tell you a little something using the immortal words of Bachman-Turner Overdrive: You ain’t seen n-n-n-nothing yet. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s true. It seems that as awful as inflation is at the moment, we’re headed for a “bloodbath” and that’s not just hyperbole or exaggeration. Things are going to go from bad to worse to holy crap I didn’t know it could be this bad to potential societal collapse. According to the folks at Zero Hedge, Jerome Powell made a…

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On a recent episode of Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s evening program, “The Ingraham Angle,” she took an opportunity to briefly tear apart President Joe Biden’s “initiatives to advance house equity,” a policy that will not only downgrade the quality of these neighborhoods and communities, but could potentially destroy them altogether. If this isn’t enough to convince you to pull the lever for former President Donald Trump later this year in the general election, I don’t know what will. Another four years of Biden means the end of the suburbs and every smaller community being transformed into the horror show…

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If you take a quick glance around at how things are going in our country, heck, in our world, at the moment, you likely won’t come away with positive vibes for the future of our race. And by race, I don’t mean the amount of melanin a person has in their skin, nor where they were born, but the actual race, humanity, that every single one of us belongs to. Yes, things do indeed look rather bleak for the days ahead, don’t they? Take a look at the kind of entertainment that’s popular today. Shows like “The Walking Dead,” or…

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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, I used to be able to go to the grocery store and buy everything I needed to feed a family of four for several weeks without having to find a “non-essential” body part or organ I would need to sell on the black market to afford it. Alas, thanks to the horrific economic policies of President Joe Biden, those days are no more. These days, in order to get your basic necessities at the store, you need to take out a second mortgage on your home. Over the course of…

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Unless you’ve been living under a rock — and hey, given how things are going in this country at the moment, I wouldn’t blame you if you were — you’re probably well aware the United States is experiencing quite a spike in violence and crime, especially in major cities from coast-to-coast. Nowhere is safe. That’s not an exaggeration. Numbers don’t lie, folks. And if the data isn’t enough to really get the point across, just flip on the news and watch all of the video footage showing hordes of young people completely disregarding the law, looting, rioting, and stealing whatever…

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One of the phrases we’ve all heard a whole lot over the last four years is that we’re living in “unprecedented times,” and as much as this is sort of a cliche kind of statement, it’s also absolutely true. It seems as if we’ve experienced one disaster after another, starting with a massive pandemic that was used by governments all over the world to usurp power and control over innocent people using fear as a psychological weapon. Then, of course, you have the major natural disasters that cost billions of dollars in damage, not to mention lives lost, several major…

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