Author: Russell Wallace

It’s the stuff of nightmares for anyone who finds themselves in a survival situation. You need to start a fire as quickly as possible. Maybe you’re soaking wet from a fall rainfall and need to warm up and dry out your clothes. Maybe you’ve been hiking all day and you need to get a fire going for your dinner. Maybe your friend has fallen through the ice and you need to get a big roaring fire going NOW to save their life. You’ve got your tinder ready, your kindling together, you’ve got logs ready to go. All you need is…

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Everyone knows that one of the main things you need in a survival situation is the ability to make a fire quickly and reliably. Whether it’s to warm up quickly, dry wet clothes, cook your food, melt snow, or just to have the comforting feel of the fire at night, these methods with help you master the flame easily. To understand how to build a fire reliably you must first understand the principles of what a fire needs. These are: Fuel Heat Air You need all three of these otherwise your fire will go out. To get your fire to…

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