Despite the hopeful news of President-elect Donald Trump winning the election in a huge way, the forecast for our economy is not looking promising. At least not at the moment. Then again, it’s been looking pretty rough for us ever since Joe Biden took over the White House four years ago. Still, if there was anyone who thought Trump was going to clean up this colossal mess in just a few short weeks, they’re going to be sorely disappointed.
As we speak, the United States government is hard at work building the biggest monument it has ever constructed, one that might just become a wonder of the world right up there with the pyramids and King Solomon’s hanging garden. That monument, ladies and gentlemen is debt. For many, many moons now, the U.S. has been recklessly spending itself into oblivion, buying into the idea that all they need to do in order to cover the cost for each new congressional raise or program is print money. Doing this, of course, decreased the purchasing power of the mighty dollar until it’s modern value reached pitiful lows.
“Most people seem to think that we are totally getting away with this swindle, but the truth is that the party is almost over. Our national debt has already surpassed the 36 trillion dollar mark, and according to at our current rate of spending our national debt will surpass the 51 trillion dollar mark four years from now,” Prophecy News Watch reported. “We are a spoiled, bloated, greedy nation that has run up a debt so big that words simply do not do it justice. We have got to stop spending so much money, but we just can’t help ourselves.”
As the president-elect gets settled into office, he’s immediately going to have to make some very challenging decisions concerning our debt.
It’s going to be an urgent issue for Trump as soon as he takes office. The federal government will resume the cap on its borrowing authority on Jan. 1, as the U.S. sits on a national debt of more than $36 trillion, though the Treasury Department can buy time for a number of months with so-called extraordinary measures. The fiscal time bomb illustrates the struggle Trump and Republican leaders face heading into 2025, as they consider whether to court Democrats who will want concessions or their own conservatives who are known for rigidly sticking to their demands to cut funding.
Most Americans have no idea how difficult it is to spend a trillion dollars. If you spend one dollar every single second, you could spend a million dollars in just twelve days. If you spend one dollar every single second, you could spend a billion dollars in 32 years. If you were alive 2000 years ago and you started spending one million dollars every single day when Christ was born, you still would not have spent one trillion dollars by now. That is how large one trillion dollars is.
That’s crazy, right? Well our nation is not just a trillion dollars in debt. We’re 36 trillion dollars in debt. In other words, there’s no way we’ll ever be able to pay off our debt. Ever. It’s impossible at this point. The PNW report explains that if you were to break down a trillion dollars into $10 bills and taped them end-to-end, they would wrap around the entire planet 380 times. And not even that amount of money would pay off even a third of the debt we owe. Yikes.
Want to feel enraged? The federal government is now asking for the American people to help pay down the debt through donations. It’s not enough they steal cash right out of your paycheck before you even see it. No, they want you to freely give additional money to help pay for their horrific spending choices. Unbelievable.
We will most assuredly be passing this problem to our children, grandchildren, and so on, for many generations.
“What we have done to future generations of Americans is beyond criminal. One day, if they get the chance, they will look back and curse this generation for what we have done to them. We spent tens of trillions of dollars that belonged to them, and we have stuck them with the bill for our wild excesses. We have taken the greatest economic machine that humanity has ever seen and we have driven it straight off a cliff,” the article said.
Our country is drowning in debt. And as much good as Trump might do, this is a problem that will take many generations to even put a dent in, let alone completely solve.
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