Diehard progressives, whose beliefs border if not completely cross into mental illness, have infiltrated many, many different facets of the federal government, though none perhaps as frightening as the intelligence apparatus.
President Donald Trump booted over 100 workers in various intel agencies after whistleblowers revealed they were transforming them into “a cult that was hellbent on pushing gender ideology” and “creating a counterintelligence risk” that could potentially “get people killed in the field.”
The whistleblowers produced a number of messages posted to an internet forum that was focused around government work where employees working for these agencies were pushing and promoting transgender surgeries.
As disturbing as that is, it actually gets worse from there. Not only were they proponents of this horrific procedure, but they also talked about sexual fetishes and being polyamorus. A number of posts also celebrated the death of evangelical leader Pat Robertson.
Sick people. Really twisted.
There’s no way this stuff isn’t either a product of mental illness or demonic in nature. Potentially a mixture of the both. Regardless, it’s pure evil and has no place in the intelligence community, which is supposed to be focused on matters of national security.
“They hate capitalism. They hate Christians. They’re always espousing socialist and Marxist beliefs,” one of the two insiders at the National Security Agency (NSA) stated, according to Prophecy News Network.
“Two NSA employees, one still with the agency, turned over screenshots of numerous explicit online messages from the Interlink messaging program designed for the U.S. intelligence community’s professional activities. Some of the messages — written by employees of a wide range of federal intelligence services — discussed the sexual benefits of having one’s genitals removed, disowning family members who expressed opposition to gender ideology, and ‘ethical non-monogamy,” the report said.
The article then reveals that the intelligence agencies that are supposedly tasked with keeping America safe from threats foreign and domestic, have become infected with activists who are using their positions within these agencies and departments to push their own sickening worldview at the expense of taxpayer dollars.
One of the NSA employees said that these groups of individuals are spending their entire workday on luring other activists into the fold and holding meetings featuring titles such as “Privilege” and “Ally Awareness,” plus “Pride,” and “Transgender Community Inclusion.”
Several employees discussed the physical euphoria they experienced after having transgender “bottom surgery,” which attempts to transform healthy male anatomy into faux female genitalia. “Mine is everything,” wrote one intelligence agent, who dubbed the surgery “100000000% worth it … I would not change anything if I had to do it again.” An employee at the Defense Intelligence Agency recounted that “one of the weirdest things that gives me euophoria is when” he urinates.
“I’ve found that I like being penetrated (never liked it before GRS [so-called Gender Reconstructive Surgery, or genital mutilation]), but all the rest is just as important as well,” another message went on to say.
More evidence of the progressive cult within our intel agencies includes how various employees turned cross-sex hormone injections into a kind of fetish. One individual revealed that he wanted to grow a pair of large breasts.
“I want proportions that would give me back pain,” he wrote 0n the forum. One message remarked, “Look, I just enjoy helping other people experience [breasts].”
Long discussions mulled the propriety of increasingly non-biological pronouns. An employee at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) insisted that, if someone asks you to use dehumanizing it/its pronouns, or foul language long used as slurs, “refusing to is a form of erasure.”
One such individual made a self-introduction on the chat forum: “It/its user here. While I understand we can make some people uncomfortable, keep in mind that the dehumanizing aspect either a) doesn’t apply or b) is a positive effect when we’re requesting it.” Other chat participants used “xe/they” and “they/them” pronouns in their bios.
Some of the conversations posted on the forum discussed polyamory along with other perverted sexual acts including orgies. One post attempted to explain polyamorous relationships by saying, “A is my [girlfriend], and B-G are her partners. . . . then B&C are dating but not C&D, nor E, F, or G with any of the others, though there are several MWB (metas-with-benefits) connections. LOL.” The casual sex habits of “polycule” members get so tangled that “in some cases not all members have even an idea who the others are.”
Other topics of conversation included how Pat Robertson is in hell along with celebratory comments about his passing. They also trashed Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro as well.
Thankfully, Trump is draining the swamp as a means of cleaning out this infection of insane left-wing ideology. Hopefully, he can get our intelligence community back on mission, protecting Americans and ensuring our way of life continues.
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