Due to recent heightened geopolitical strife, it has become more important than ever to understand how to survive a nuclear bomb and its fallout. A nuclear bomb can be survived outside of the epicenter. Anyone within the epicenter of the blast radius will automatically be terminated. The further out from the epicenter the better should a bomb drop. The first indication that a nuclear bomb has been dropped is a bright almost blinding light. Staring at the light as it goes down can blind a person. So, shield your eyes immediately or turn away.
No one can outrun the shockwave of heat, air, and radiation, but cover can be found. The best cover is to be inside of a brick or concrete house in the basement. Timber or prefabricated homes offer no protection. Once inside a concrete or brick building, or basement, get as far away from the exposed side as possible. Lay flat down under a sturdy structure like a table with your mouth open and facing away from the shock waves to prevent the eardrums from bursting. Place your hands under your body to reduce burns. This must be done in 15 seconds or less.
After this fall out will spread far and wide for days. Within an intact shelter, like an undestroyed concrete apartment building, sheltering in place is the best plan for a minimum of 24 hours. Decontaminate yourself by scrubbing every part of your body and changing clothes immediately. Do not use conditioner, body lotion, or any other items since these can keep radiation contaminants on the body longer. Tend to any immediate medical needs such as serious burns. Put contaminated clothing in bags away from everyone. Wipe off all containers before using them to reduce radioactive dust particles from being ingested accidentally. After this, seal the safe area so that very little air comes in and out. Drinking water from the water heater and eating from cans of food should be safe. Do not eat fruits or vegetables that were exposed and not in a can or jar. Make sure to stay tuned to any local radio that has information on what authorities are doing.
After surviving the blast where no decent concrete, brick, or underground shelter can be found, transporting your group to the nearest good shelter is advised so long as your exposure will be less than 30 minutes and is within the first 30 minutes of the blast going off. Several studies have been done suggesting this action increases survival rates for people that are sheltering in places with poor or inadequate shelter.
Radiation exposure decreases by 55% an hour after an initial bomb drop. A day after the explosion it drops by 80%. So, it’s best to shelter in place for at least 24 hours if possible. If you have been exposed to radiation it will be very important to get medical attention. There are medications that can be prescribed by a doctor to help reduce the threat that radiation poses to your health. Some of these include potassium iodide, which is available over the counter, Prussian blue, which is a type of dye that binds to radioactive elements, and other medications.
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