In what can only be described as strangely convenient timing for the radical left opponents of President Donald Trump, the World Health Organization is reporting that there is now a deadly “unknown disease” ravaging one region located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, leaving a trail of death in its wake.
I think I’ve seen this movie before. The one where President Trump is in office and doing good things for the country that suddenly get sidelined due to a highly infectious illness called “COVID-19.” Is this the sequel? Let’s hope not.
Health officials in the Congo have now partnered with WHO to investigate the illness. When medical professionals refer to this disease being “unknown” they mean it hasn’t been identified yet, not that it might be a completely new illness we’ve never seen before.
“In previous cases, the cases are linked to a known disease, but a lack of available testing leads to lack of certainty. For example, there was a separate report of an “unknown disease” in December of last year in Congo that was later attributed to illnesses from malaria and respiratory illnesses,” ABC News reported.
Data from WHO has revealed that there are 431 cases linked to this region that have resulted in a total of 53 deaths since January. So far the investigation has traced the origin of the sickness to three children all under the age of 5, who began to develop symptoms after they ate the dead body of a bat.
Here we go again with the bats. Why do people eat these animals? Is the lack of food truly that bad in the Congo? Bats carry a plethora of diseases, which is why they should be avoided like the plague. Poor choice of words, right?
“Symptoms included fever, headache, diarrhea and fatigue – which later progressed to signs associated with hemorrhagic fevers and death. Ebola and Marburg have already been ruled out, officials say. Nearly half of deaths occurred within 48 hours after symptoms start,” the article said.
“The remote location and weak healthcare infrastructure increase the risk of further spread,” the WHO stated in its notes.
Anyone else feel like they are getting a case of deja vu? I certainly am. This is so eerily similar to how the COVID pandemic started. One has to wonder if the powers that be, elites around the world who are obsessed with implementing a one world government, are behind this little outbreak.
Could this be another secret means to depopulate the earth? To strip liberty away from people out of fear of disease and use that power to achieve their own twisted ends?
We can’t say for sure, but the timing of this is suspicious.
Trump is president and he’s absolutely killing it, implementing policies that are already improving our quality of life, while seeking to put an end to the conflicts in the world between Ukraine and Russia and Hamas and Israel. Of course the left wants to put an end to this, as it rips apart the infrastructure they’ve put together during Obama’s administration and the lousy four years with Biden.
I pray I’m wrong.
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