People all over the world are reportedly hearing loud “booms,” which we are being told by scientists are due to a phenomenon known as “skyquakes.” I know what you’re thinking. That sounds strange. If you’re like me you likely never heard of such a thing and are scoffing at skyquakes as just some made up occurrence to scare folks. After all, scientists are, at times, a bit out there and use fear as a means of control and justification for rich individuals to drop tons of cash for research projects.
I assure you though, that these things are indeed real and they are happening. In fact, some individuals who have experienced the phenomenon say shaking occurs at such intensity that it feels like something plowed into their homes. However, when scientists check for seismic activity in the area, they don’t find anything. Experts are starting to look into this a bit more seriously as it seems to be happening more often.
As if we don’t have enough to worry about as the world teeters on the edge of a massive global nuclear conflict.
An article posted by the New York Post says the booming sounds going off in the sky have been “terrifyingly rocking the globe”
This one’ll have you quaking. Scientists have little explanation for a booming phenomenon that’s terrifyingly rocking the globe — though they have been noted as ominous preludes to earthquakes.
In some cases, skyquakes occur just before earthquakes, big ones, however, most of the time they aren’t connected with seismic activity at all. One such incident took place in southern Idaho, yet no earthquakes were detected in the state.
Social media has been going crazy over the last 48 hours with inquires about loud ‘booms’ heard around Southern Idaho. If you’ve lived in the Twin Falls area for any length of time, you are probably familiar with the occasional bouts of rumbles we feel from time to time. It’s not unusual for the booms to resonate throughout a building and shake windows, debatably similar to what you might feel during an small earthquake. But these (usually) are not earthquakes… So what are they?
An entry on Wikipedia talks about how these “skyquakes” have now occurred all over the world and it doesn’t seem like anyone has an explanation for why.
A skyquake is a phenomenon where a loud banging sound is reported to originate from the sky. The sound may cause noticeable vibration in the ceiling or across a particular room. Those who experience skyquakes typically do not have a clear explanation for what caused them and they are perceived as mysterious. They have been heard in several locations around the world, several locations in the North Sea, the Ganges, Canada, Colombia, Japan, Finland, Australia, Italy, Ireland, India, The Netherlands, Norway, Tierra del Fuego in Argentina, the United Kingdom, the United States, Mexico, Malaysia (particularly Ipoh) and Indonesia (particularly Jakarta and Java).
Scientiests have cooked up a bunch of possible theories as to why it keeps happening, saying they could potentially be linked with low level seismic events, however a study that was completed and released in 2020 appears to have ruled that out.
In 2020, a team from the University of North Carolina conducted an extensive analysis of seismic and acoustic data from the EarthScope Transportable Array (ESTA). This network of over 400 stations across the United States is designed to detect both seismic events and atmospheric phenomena. The researchers aimed to establish a correlation between skyquakes and previously undetected seismic activities. However, their findings yielded no direct link between these mysterious sounds and earthquakes or other underground activities. This lack of connection to seismic events lends credence to the theory that skyquakes originate in the atmosphere. However, the exact nature of the phenomenon remains unclear.
There’s always the possibility that this is normal and just hasn’t been as noticeable. Or that this happening so frequently is a good thing. That’s the optimistic approach and I’d really like to buy into that one, but given my experience of life here on earth over four decades, I’m a little cynical. Heck, maybe it’s aliens. I’m only half joking. You know never know. Extraterrestrial causation might actually be the correct explanation. I sincerely hope not. We have enough troubles get along with other humans, let alone advanced beings from different galaxies.
Something of note to keep in mind is that it was discovered an asteroid was just hours away from colliding with our planet on Tuesday morning. Obviously we’re still hear so that didn’t have the devastating impact it could have had, but is it possible what we’re hearing is asteroids or space debris exploding in the sky after entering our atmosphere? You’d think that would be easy to prove with modern technology and satellites.
Whatever it is, let’s hope these skyquakes are not signs of something sinister on the horizon.
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