During a recent interview, Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger revealed a huge bombshell that might have just unveiled the role that billionaire eugenicist and tech guru Bill Gates, the World Health Organization, and several other diabolical elements played together in perpetrating the COVID-19 pandemic on the world.
This could be huge if all information is 100 percent accurate. So many things within the coronavirus incident have seemed off ever since that dark period of time took place. We all deserve to know the truth.
Dr. Stuckelberger, who herself is a well known scientist, a writer, and an insider with WHO, formerly believed in the work being accomplished by the organization she’s a part of, however, she noticed some warning signs popping up concerning how it operates.
“Much like the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the WHO functions more like a private corporation than it does a public health agency, working to advance the interests of Big Pharma and other pro-vaccine forces like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,” Pandemic.News reported.
“As a professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland as well as a lecturer within the Institute of Global Health of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Geneva, Dr. Stückelberger is a credible source, by the way, whose insider information about the WHO is noteworthy,” the article added.
In a nutshell, WHO member states, of which there 193, are bound by whatever rules and restrictions the WHO decides to impose in the name of “public health.” With the Chinese virus, the WHO pronounced all sorts of new requirements that the vast majority went along with, except for two: Iran and the United States under President Donald Trump.
All the while, like the Wizard of Oz, deceiving the inhabits of the land with illusions and trickery, Gates, along with his partners in crime — including GAVI — were guiding the whole endeavor, making it appear as though it was WHO that was making the big decisions.
“It is embedded in the constitution of the WHO,” says Dr. Stückelberger about the ease with which the WHO is able to decree international ‘health regulations.’ “So, they don’t need to adopt it. It is immediately approved and it’s an obligation, so it is legally binding.”
What many folks don’t realize is that Gates has a tremendous amount of influence over the kind of decisions made at WHO, which go on to have a huge impact on the countries that are part of the organization. Thankfully, President Donald Trump smartly pulled our nation out of WHO so we no longer have to worry about falling prey to one of Gates depopulation schemes.
Gates has paid an absurd amount of money to the agency over a long period of time, so much so that he’s under the belief that he has a right to vote on matters, almost as though he believes he’s a country to himself.
Dr. Stückelberger explains that Gates holds immunity in Switzerland where such deals are made, as does GAVI, and has repeatedly tried to become his own “member state” in the eyes of the WHO – though it is unclear if he was ever actually voted in as such. Even so, Gates still pulls a lot of strings at the WHO. He negotiates and signs contracts on behalf of different countries, acting as the unelected middle man in deciding which vaccines or pharmaceuticals will be purchased by them.
As you may recall, Gates planned for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) with his Event 201 exercise back in the fall of 2019. This exercise involved strategizing for a major pandemic that just so happened to materialize several months later.
Stuckelberger has revealed that she personally witnessed WHO holding these same kind of exercises for years, providing her with the first red flag that something awful was going on within her organization. Another red flag was the change in definitions in its health guidelines which allow for any kind of flu or cold to be called a “pandemic.”
They are looking for any excuse they can find to try and assist world leaders in usurping power over people, using fear as their main tool. Let’s hope more eyes open to this reality and are willing to fight against tyranny when it comes to us under the guise of help.
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