An unusual, clearly supernatural occurrence is happening all over the world, as both men and women of God have been experiencing dreams and visions where they are allowed to pull back the curtain and see things unfolding in the future of our world. It’s rarely ever good, with most of these visions being highly apocalyptic.
Lots of devastation and destruction. Suffering abounding from every corner of the earth. All of which are things that are consistent with the image of the future painted for us in the book of Revelation from the Holy Scriptures.
In the Bible, we’re told that in the days leading up to the bodily return of Jesus Christ, things will be unlike anything human beings have ever experienced in the history of our existence. A tremendous amount of death and destruction is headed our way, barreling down the highway at 100 mph.
It’s not a popular message, for reasons that should be obvious.
“Earlier this week, I received an email from a woman in Wisconsin named Heather that really got my attention. After reading my recent dream about President Trump, she felt compelled to send me an extremely vivid dream that she had in December 2024 because she felt that it may be related,” Michael of End of the American Dream wrote.
“After reading what Heather sent to me, I asked her if I could share it with all of you. Thankfully, she agreed to my request. The following is Heather’s account of what she was shown in December 2024,” he added.
Dear Michael,
I would like to start by explaining a few things – I am a person that barely remembers my dreams, mostly just little bits and pieces of weird details that may come to me throughout the day. Typically, if I do remember something small, I’m able to say, “oh that makes sense because I was watching that movie before bed”. I say this to emphasize that I am not a vivid dreamer, never have been. I was saved in 2020, I am Jesus all the way, no matter what. I pray all day, as much as I can, I read & listen to God’s word as much as I possibly can and I 100% believe that we are living through what Jesus spoke of in Mathew 24. I believe the tribulation will start soon.
In other words, this is not a woman who is prone to flights of fantasy. She sent this letter to one individual, thus she’s not attempting to get attention or make much of herself, instead seeking to make much of Christ, fruit that she’s a genuine believer who had an unusual and disturbing encounter with the supernatural.
When I was saved, I asked God to “show me” that He was real – and what He showed me shook me to my core. It was the most amazingly awesome and frightening thing that I have ever been a part of. I was wide awake, and He took me somewhere, to show me He was real. It left NO doubt that God was real, and what He wrote in His Word was the truth.
The author of the letter goes on to explain that in the middle of 2024 she had already been praying to God for months to provide confirmation that she was interpreting His Word rightly and if humanity is really getting close to the end. She went so far as to ask him for signs.
And that’s when she had her very first vision. This convinced her completely that what she was experiencing was real. The author tells Michael she only told her husband and parents.
I was praying for months and months asking God to tell me if I was interpreting scripture correctly that I believed America to be Mystery Babylon, I again asked him to “show me” what was going to happen to us (I’m American, live in Wisconsin), and I had my second dream/vision 2 months ago, around December 2024. I call it a dream/vision because I was in bed, sleeping BUT somehow, I was awake and fully sensing what I was seeing, That and the details, every little detail, are burned into my memory and that’s just never happened to me while dreaming, ever. Except these two times. After I had the dream, I prayed for clarity. I have been praying everyday for clarity and last night I woke up in the middle of the night, and I saw your email. Now I’m not saying that I’m certain my vision and your vision are related, but after I read your email, I’m experiencing the same urgency I felt after each dream that I need to share what I saw.
The author, identified at the bottom of the letter as Heather, goes on to describe the vision she saw. It kicked off with her standing in an open field, all along. No sound, everything completely and unusually quiet.
Heather then says she never turned around during the vision, but faced forward, only seeing things from her own first-person perspective. The field is mowed and well kept. However, there are no trees or any other kind of shrubbery, just the grass. No buildings or structures either.
She states that it’s dark outside, but it’s not nighttime. It all feels fake she says.
- The sky is clear. There are no stars, no moon, nothing
- I look up and I see the entire night sky covered in burning embers – fire falling down like rain.
- It seems like it’s in slow motion, but it might have been so far up that as it was falling, it seemed slow
- I feel concerned, but still calm. I don’t move, I just keep looking up at the fire falling down
- When the embers get closer, I can see some larger, various pieces of debris mixed in, like there has been a great explosion of everything.
- Everything is burned, still on fire like hot coals in a campfire
- As the embers start to fall around me, one piece in particular is coming close to my face. When it is right in front of my face, it pops or explodes in my face and all I can see is a great flash of light
- This light wakes me up, I am jolted out of “sleep”. It’s completely dark in my room but I am blinded by the flash of light – like when you look directly at the sun and the light/image is almost burned into your sight. Even when your eyes are closed, you can still see the image burned into your sight – this is exactly what happened as a result of the flash that I experienced in my vision, only I was fully awake now
Heather caps off the letter by stating she has no idea what all of this means, though God seemingly answered her prayers.
Could this be related to some kind of nuclear conflict on the horizon? Perhaps the aftermath of World War III, which we are currently on the brink of?
Either way, now is the perfect time to pray and ask God to have mercy on our nation and the whole world.
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