Author: vanessa

Living without the luxury and convenience of modern technology is hard for some of us to imagine. Many electronic devices, such as refrigeration and medical devices, make life much more manageable daily. Air conditioning is pretty high on the list if you live in places like South Florida. Our power grid is vulnerable and can be damaged by anything from high winds to much more severe events. Loss of power for a few hours due to a severe storm is tolerable; losing it for weeks, months, or even years would devastate everyone. Therefore, many doomsday preppers work on effective ways…

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In a  world where we are now facing a rise of suspect food shortages, natural disasters, and any other kind of apocalyptic disaster, you’ll be relieved to know that just about anything you’ll need for your survival — at least for an intermittent period of time — can be found at your local dollar store. While many people believe rescue efforts after hurricanes, tornadoes, forest fires, and floods come only from FEMA and the Red Cross who seemingly ship truckloads of emergency supplies to disaster areas, many times a large part of these rescue efforts are led by churches…

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If an Electromagnetic Pulse were to strike the earth, it would completely destroy our power grids, all electronics and circuit boards, as well as cut off the power to our homes, our businesses, and our armed forces. The threat of an EMP strike is very real, and here are some ways you can protect yourself and your family in the event that one should happen. What exactly is an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)? EMPs are short but powerful bursts of electromagnetic energy. They can happen naturally, or they can be manipulated using nuclear energy. Although most experts don’t believe an EMP…

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